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Why Use Wazuh Agent for Endpoint Security? - Meet The Team - Eliza
Written by Eliza-May Austin
July 11, 2022

Why use Wazuh Agent for Endpoint Security?

Your search led you here and likely with the question, “Why use Wazuh Agent for Endpoint Security?”. Strap yourself in, we have opinions.

Endpoints are an often overlooked part of complete system security, as SIEMs tend to focus on Network traffic and observation or offer additional expenses for endpoint only extensions that increase your monthly runnings.

Finding the right choice of software can be difficult, balancing price, integration and workload, alongside making sure the system doesn’t fall into disrepair or become under-used. At pocketSIEM we recommend the use of Wazuh. An agent that, thanks to its use of Elastic Stack, can be fed into existing systems with ease.

Using common industry tools to get off the ground, Wazuh can act as a staple of defence by collecting information for triage and can be easily collated into many SIEMs on the market, both proprietary and open-source software.

Wazuh's Core is Lightweight, Fast and Reliable

The wazuh core is built off of three major components. The Agent’s themselves, their managing server and the ELK stack system for log aggregation. ELK is a tried and true industry veteran that drives many SIEM and information collection systems. Wazuh’s agent alerting method is built off of log collections which are spliced using decoders in order to make sense of the vast array of system logs. Sent back to their manager and parsed for keywords and phrases till they generate alerts for your system if something doesn’t seem right.

It’s Maintained with Networked Systems in Mind Using ELK

The Wazuh system is a deviation of the ‘OSSEC’ platform. Built around using ELK and being more friendly towards entrenched networked machines like docker containers and cloud based servers and hypervisors by focusing on unique partitions and VM’s on each machine. All being collated towards their own outside storage system. As a rapidly expanding market and method of hosting companies and their networks. Wazuh is an agent that has secured its place in the future for years to come by being reliable and ready for changes to the world of work.

It’s Easy to Scale Up to Whatever Sizes You Need

Wazuh’s manager servers do not need to act alone. As data becomes an insurmountable mountain the system requirements push past the point of feasibility and availability. Rather than have one super machine to handle all the processing, Wazuh servers can be hooked up to a ‘cluster’ network of one master server observing agent actions, which send their data to information computing ‘workers’ that handle the brunt of the computational work and send the parsed alerts to the master for your use. Weather you need a single server to look after your building or by having servers across the world to unite thousands of employees over different branches, Wazuh can handle the process effortlessly.

A Comprehensive, Up To Date Ruleset

With their focus on making Wazuh work under these new conditions, the Wazuh group worked on it’s detection rules from the ground up as trends and systems continue to develop, Wazuh works to cover them and secure your system by detecting host intrusions across all machines.

The RESTful API Lets You Access and Control Your Agents, Wherever You Are

The API that governs additional controls for Wazuh are powerful and in depth, with documentation on their website about how to manage it. The API lets you manage your system remotely with clarity and ease. Removing agents that have not connected to your system in months is as easy as a line of code. Or having your agents produce a document on it’s system settings and current resource states and have them compiled into one page for you to save. By learning it’s API, security engineers can tighten up security and make their Host Intrusion Detection Systems precise and exact.

Its Additional Tooling Lets You Use It as a Vulnerability Scanner for Your Systems

When debating Wazuh Agent for Endpoint Security,  alongside it’s detection capabilities, it comes with access to CVE databases, though in some versions of the system it needs to be enabled and downloaded. This elevates Wazuh from a watchdog to a proactive defender that can nip issues in the bud before they even begin. By accessing CVE databases for all operating systems and checking installed software and versions of it against the database, Wazuh will tell you the number and specific program at fault, usually with a link to the relevant page and how to fix it. Using the system proactively will in no doubt give you an edge on attacks to come by stamping out vulnerabilities early before attackers have a chance to use them against you.

It Can Be Used for Cyber Maturity Assessments

Cyber Maturity Assessments utilise best choice practises in the field alongside risk assessment reports and gap analysis in order to produce an overview of your Company’s Security Standards. Wazuh’s CIS based and SCA modules give you an overview of the structural quality of your systems. By notifying you of individual machine gaps and weaknesses, complete endpoint coverage coupled with SCA scans gives technicians the ability to see these flaws in your prevention practises and rectify them before damage is done.

Contact Us

PocketSIEM is a product created by the clever people at It specialises in creating custom SIEM solutions using open source technologies. This enables us to create affordable options for our customers with some of the strongest technologies available. Reach out to discuss how PocketSIEM can help you with SOC and SIEM.

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+44 20 8133 0660


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This article is written by

Eliza-May Austin


Eliza exudes a captivating, no-nonsense demeanour that defines the services provided by th4ts3cur1ty company. As a proud Yorkshire woman, she boasts an impressive expertise in tea, gravy, and local hiking trails. Clients value Eliza’s practical, assertive stance on security, especially in challenging situations. Quietly dubbed the “Winston Wolfe of cyber”, she navigates complex conditions with a calm and strategic approach. Trust her to handle security matters with finesse and to get you out of a bind with determined resolve.