Cyber Security Training & Awareness Showing You How to Use Realistic, Relevant Offensive Tactics to Test Your Defences
Cyber Security is incredibly boring to people who are simply not interested in the subject. When we find something boring we struggle to retain the information, so why do so many companies rely on such boring cyber security training content? If you’re going to spend the money, you may as well make it count, right?
You want to avoid data breaches, cyber-attacks and reputational brand damage, we want that for you too. We wholeheartedly believe that the way forward for training and awareness is not to track metrics around how long employees spend watching a training video, or what multiple-choice question they select. Rather we think about the best teachers we had at school, the ones with real-life stories, the ones who taught us through having a go ourselves and visitors who turned up to assembly and inspired change in our thoughts. This is the approach we take and we demand no long-term commitments in exchange.