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Cyber of Mergers and Acquisitions

Cyber Security Due Diligence For Mergers, Acquisitions And Divestitures. Understanding the threat landscape of the company you are about to acquire, arms you with powerful knowledge that should inform your buying decisions and/or your future technical integration strategy.

The Cyber of Mergers and Acquisitions is an element of Mergers, acquisitions, and demergers that inherently entail substantial and intricate technical hurdles. For the acquiring entity, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of the target organisation’s status to ascertain its reputational standing and the value of its data and system assets and associated risks.

During and within the proceeding 18 months post merger businesses can expect major operational disruptions hindering success during cyber incidents. The process of integrating or separating IT systems can disrupt normal business operations, creating windows of opportunity for cyber attackers. Companies experience significant disruptions to their operations due to cybersecurity issues during M&A. Furthermore coordinating incident response across newly merged or demerged entities can be problematic.

Cyber of Mergers and Acquisitions - Don’t Acquire Your Next Data Breach!

Companies that manage cyber security risk better than others are inherently more valuable than those that don’t. Especially if their value is determined by intellectual property and data assets.

Our M&A packages include the following services: 

1) Acquiree Threat Landscape Investigation

2) Post-Project Threat Landscape Investigation

3) M&A Compromise Assessment

4) Pre M&A Cyber Security Due-Diligence Check

5) Post Purchase & Technical Integration Monitoring

6) Post-Technical Integration Defence Capabilities Assessment

Cyber defences shouldn’t be thought of as just a technical exercise. Making security a priority can help you avoid reputation damage, negative effects on shareholder value and fines. 

Luxembourg’s National Commission for Data Protection

issued a €746 million fine to Amazon in 2021. The higher maximum amount is £17.5 million or 4% of the total annual worldwide turnover in the preceding financial year, whichever is higher.

Companies at the best of times struggle to keep on top of their cyber defences, and businesses that grow through mergers and acquisitions struggle 10 fold.

Not implementing good cyber defence strategies during technical mergers and acquisitions will lead to long-term damage.

Speak to a member of our team about how we can help you today.

Be Empowered to Make an Informed Purchase

Companies that manage cyber security risk better than others are inherently more valuable than those that don’t. Especially if their value is determined by intellectual property and data assets.